3 Year Old MWF Class

We have a 3-year-old Monday, Wednesday and Friday class at SYC.  In order for a child to be enrolled in our 3-Year-Old class, a child must have turned 3 on or before August 31st of the enrolling year. Our class is structured to prepare children to work together, take turns and allow their classmates to express themselves also, begin to organize themselves, to follow directions to complete tasks/projects on their own and to be attentive.  Each day consists of free play, group activities, circle time, snack, outside play (weather permitting) and school related activities.  Students learn about letters each week as we focus on a new letter each week.  Students also work on weekly Bible verses and activities related to our particular theme of the week.  In circle time, students achieve recognizing their first and last name and naming the letters that make up their name, how to write their name independently and counting as high as they can.  Pastor Rob holds exciting chapel services with the students twice monthly. Our 3’s love taking walks outside, making friends and learning new things!

Meet Our Teachers

Mrs. Jessica Barnett is the lead teacher in our 3-Year-Old class and has a bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education. Mrs. Jessica has been a teacher at SYC for 2 years and her child also attends the preschool. She and her husband are members of Lenoir Presbyterian Church where her husband is the Youth Director. She loves the children at SYC and sharing the stories about Jesus.

Ms. Brooke Delk is the assistant in the 3 -Year-Old Class. Ms. Brooke has two children who have attended SYC and has served on the SYC Board for several years. She has been a busy substitute for the last few years. Brooke is a graduate of University of NC at Wilmington. She is a member at Waterlife Church where she also helps with the kids’ ministry. Brooke is thankful for the SYC family and environment. She is a great addition to our staff.